Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 17, 2011 - Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone! I read in an article about St. Patrick this morning, and it started off saying "On St. Patrick's Day everyone is Irish".

Today on the news one station was reporting from a local pub at 7:30 am, and it was packed with patrons already drinking and an Irish band already playing knee-slapping music! I wonder how many people either took today off or called out "sick", or did people just have a morning drink then head to work? I sure don't want to be on the roads tonight! lol

So back to keeping track of my nutrition and fitness. Yesterday was busy, I had a few meetings throughout the day, so I did not make it to the gym. I did, however wear 1.5 lb ankle weights for the 8.5 hrs I was at work. It was a weird feeling. I had to work harder to climb up stairs and I felt like I was falling (my feet were heavier) while going down the stairs.

Today I did make it out for a 2.5 mile run with a friend from work. It is the first official run of the spring time/summer season. I am really excited about it! The weather was nice, a perfect 50 degrees. My legs felt strong while running. My friend suggested doing sprint intervals. I had only done walking to running intervals, so I was interested to try run to sprinting intervals. We chose a stop sign to sprint to then the next stop sign to run to. She said that the last time she tried that, it had cut down on her time 1-2 minutes. I'm always open to try a new method to increase my time. I am signed up to run a 10K on April 3, so I need to train as much as I can.

So for the run I burned about 255 calories, then for lunch I had a progresso soup (160 cal), 2 large crackers for the soup (60 cal), Shakeology shake to help my muscles repair and to help with digestion (140 cal), and an 4oz applesauce (about 100 cal). So run = -255 cal, lunch = +460 for a total of positive 205 calories. Hmmm, that is a big difference from the last lunch that I calculated.

I have done a bunch of walking today, drinking lots of water, and I will be on my feet tonight working my part time retail job, so that will be a great calorie burn. For dinner I plan on having a 350 cal sandwich with a 150 cal cranberry juice. Then if I'm still hungry after I'll have a tall glass of skim milk.

I hope everyone enjoys their St. Patrick's Day! Until next time,

xoxoxo Nicole

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